

Cập nhập: 2021-02-21 11:39:22
Lượt xem: 7156
Thương hiệu: Espressif
Loại hàng:
Chính hãng
- Hàng chưa qua sử dụng do chính hãng sản xuất cùng một mã lô.
- Hình thức: Mới, đóng gói đúng qui cách
- Chất lượng: Đúng như tài liệu mà hãng cung cấp
- Bảo hành: Đền bù nếu sản phẩm lỗi
Mã lưu trữ: T9H4V8
Số lượng 1 - 45+
Giá / Cái 400,000370,000
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Thông tin sản phẩm



ESP32-DevKitC V4 is a small-sized ESP32-based development board produced by Espressif. Most of the I/O pins are broken out to the pin headers on both sides for easy interfacing. Developers can either connect peripherals with jumper wires or mount ESP32-DevKitC V4 on a breadboard. 




Manufacturer Espressif
Product Category Wifi Development Tools
Product Development Kits
Type Audio
Tool Is For Evaluation Of ESP32-WROOM-32
Protocol Supported 802.11 b/g/n/e/i, Bluetooth
Frequency 2.4GHz
Operating Voltage 3.3V, 5V
Interface type USB
Unit weight 0.352740 oz
Datasheet ESP32-DevKitC


Board Dimention:

ESP32 DevKitC board dimensions - back

Block Diagram:




 Functional Description:


• ESP32-WROOM-32

ESP32-WROOM-32 module soldered to the ESP32-DevKitC V4 board. Optionally ESP32-WROOM-32DESP32-WROOM-32U or ESP32-SOLO-1 module may be soldered instead of the ESP32-WROOM-32.

• USB-UART Bridge

A single chip USB-UART bridge provides up to 3 Mbps transfers rates.


Download button: holding down the Boot button and pressing the EN button initiates the firmware download mode. Then user can download firmware through the serial port.

• Micro USB Port

USB interface. It functions as the power supply for the board and the communication interface between PC and the ESP module.

• 5V Power On LED

This LED lights when the USB or an external 5V power supply is applied to the board. For details see schematic in Related Documents.

• EN 

Reset button: pressing this button resets the system.

• I/O

Most of the pins on the ESP module are broken out to the pin headers on the board. Users can program ESP32 to enable multiple functions such as PWM, ADC, DAC, I2C, I2S, SPI, etc. 




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